The Arizona Birth Network, an all-volunteer non-profit organization, works within our community to empower individuals and families regarding their pregnancy and birth experiences. We promote an awareness of evidence-based care and informed decision making through education, advocacy, and support.


The Arizona Birth Network, an all-volunteer non-profit organization, works within our community to empower individuals and families regarding their pregnancy and birth experiences. We promote an awareness of evidence-based care and informed decision making through education, advocacy, and support.


The Arizona Birth Network, an all-volunteer non-profit organization, works within our community to empower individuals and families regarding their pregnancy and birth experiences. We promote an awareness of evidence-based care and informed decision making through education, advocacy, and support.


The Arizona Birth Network provides monthly, quarterly, and yearly events for families and professionals in Arizona. With the goal of providing evidence based information to encourage the health care consumer in making conscious decisions and informed choices, thereby improving birth outcomes. The Arizona Birth Network provides education opportunities surrounding the topics of fertility, childbirth, and the postpartum period to families as well as continuing education workshops, networking and collaborative partnership opportunities for and between birth professionals.


The Arizona Birth Network advocates and provides resources to assist individuals in making the best possible decisions for their families. We engage birth networks, providers, and legislators across the state to promote evidence based care, mother baby bonding (CIMS), and postpartum care.


With our Birth Circle meetings, online Facebook support group, and provider support/networking opportunities, the Arizona Birth Network provides non-judgmental, all-inclusive forums to share experiences, ask questions, and connect with members of the local birth community. Providing families and providers with caring support, sound guidance, and evidence based information. Creating safe places for encouragement, healing and connection.

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